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Rav Eliyahu Ben Haim 
Head of the Rabbinical Court Mekor Haim

Rabbi Yaron is well known around the world, as one of the greatest to help people do TeShuva in our times."

18 Tamuz 5781

To my dear and honorable friend Rabbi Yaron Reuven  Shlit”a, who is well known to our Beit Din (Rabbinical Court) for many  years for his comprehensive Torah activities, may you be blessed on  publishing the important book “Agam Mayim” which will enlighten the eyes  of the nation of Israel. The book includes various subjects and the  foundations of Judaism, which were written in good taste and in an easy  way to understand.

Rabbi Yaron is well known around the world, as one of  the greatest to help people do TeShuva in our times. With an extensive  life experience, together with his great knowledge in Torah, Rabbi Yaron  does his best to bring out Jewish brethren closer to our Father in  Heaven, as the prophet Hosea (14:10) said: “Who is wise and will  understand these things; [who is] understanding and will know them? For  the ways of HaShem are straight; the righteous will walk in them and the  sinners will stumble over them.”

I am herby giving him my blessing that his wells of  activities spread even further so he will help many people repent for  their sins, and that he may never stumble in any matters of Halacha.

With much honor,

The Gaon HaRav Eliyahu Ben Haim Shlit”a

Head of the Rabbinical Court Mekor Haim

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