Conversion To Orthodox Judaism Questions & Answers Series (3)
Rabbi Yaron Reuven is discussing the conversion process to Orthodox Judaism. He emphasizes the importance of belief in the Torah as the word of HaShem and renouncing previous beliefs. Rabbi Reuven also details the necessary knowledge, including the 13 Principles of Faith, the Ten Commandments, and the laws of family purity. He highlights the importance of modesty for women, covering elbows and knees, and reserving their beauty for their husbands. Rabbi Reuven emphasizes the importance of keeping good hygiene and understanding the laws of Shabbat. He explains that a convert must move to an Orthodox Jewish community and start keeping Shabbat with only one intentional violation before the conversion.
Rabbi Reuven explains that the conversion process includes studying the laws of kosher food, holidays, and prayer. He also talks about the importance of a mikveh, a ritual bath, for women and its significance in renewing a marriage. He addresses questions about tattoos and the meaning of the name "Jose". Rabbi Reuven explains the importance of a husband and wife as two parts of the same soul and discusses the significance of a woman's clothing and heels. He emphasizes the importance of studying and preparing for the conversion and encourages those interested to start the process as soon as possible.
Key terms: Modesty, tattoos, Mikveh, Shabbat, changing name, haircuts, conversion process, Jewish communities, male and female, heels
Here are the timestamps in the requested format without bolding:
00:00:00 - What you need to know to convert? (Part 1)
00:06:41 - Modesty rules: Torah's stance on covering hair and use of wigs.
00:16:14 - Inviting gentiles to your house on Shabbat.
00:17:55 - Handling videos of family with idol worship scenes.
00:19:14 - Whether to remove tattoos.
00:23:11 - Guidelines for consuming milk after meat, and vice versa.
00:24:23 - Can you brush your teeth on Shabbat?
00:24:42 - Obligations of growing beards and peyot (side curls).
00:26:06 - Haircuts restrictions: Long hair for men.
00:27:08 - Prohibition against men adopting feminine dress and grooming.
00:28:32 - The significance of the day a wife goes to the mikveh.
00:30:14 - Using beach water as an alternative to the mikveh.
00:33:08 - Restrictions on showering or entering water on Shabbat.
00:34:32 - Encouragement to move to a Jewish community.
00:35:20 - Important notes on the conversion process, including a letter from a rabbi.
00:39:35 - What you need to know to convert? (Part 2) When to start keeping Shabbat.
00:44:21 - Community acceptance concerns: Fears of being seen as Christian.
00:47:32 - Benefits of Torah summarized.
00:48:09 - Question: Who created G-d?
00:51:34 - Possibility of creating a Jewish community locally.
00:52:06 - Discussion on Jewish communities: Schools, costs, and hospitality.
00:53:23 - Ideal timing for conversion and its duration.
00:55:34 - Explanation of why Hashem created male and female.
00:57:28 - Issues with wearing heels.
01:00:19 - Changing your name in Judaism.
This should help with locating specific segments in the video.
If you'd like to invite Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please call 917.468.2324. Yaron Reuven is based out of Boca Raton, Florida, but travels around the country to give lectures to different groups. Please join our Facebook group "Torah Lessons To Help Our Lives". This Group is solely about publicizing HaShem's holy Torah from my lectures as well as great Rabbi's such as Rabbi Efraim Kachlon, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rabbi Pinto, and anyone else that is teaching interesting and relevant Torah. We will also bring you some brand new lectures directly from a Kollel in Jerusalem you won't find anywhere else. Torah posts will be in Hebrew and English.
There are plenty of places to find entertaining stories that sound great, but this group is about showing you Torah that can impact your life, hence the name Torah Lessons To Help Our Lives. If it's not impactul, then it won't fit in. I watch and read all that I personally post, so I promise to do my best to bring you only the best quality of Hashem's amazing Torah.
The Torah is the only thing in the world that you can learn and have an outcome that makes you SMARTER, WISER, And a BETTER Human Being. If the Torah you're learning is no longer impacting your life in a positive way, than its time for a change. If you haven't learned Torah in a long time or ever, then its time to start friend. I guarantee you will enjoy the journey and life will never be the same, if you just give it a real chance.
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