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Conversion to Judaism

Conversion to Judaism is a two-part process. First is the required Torah learning, and the second is applying what you're learning to your life. Here's a place you can start learning.

Converting to Orthodox Judaism Q&A

Converting to Orthodox Judaism Q&A
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Conversion To Orthodox Judaism Questions & Answers Series (1)
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Conversion To Orthodox Judaism Questions & Answers Series (2)
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Conversion To Orthodox Judaism Questions & Answers Series (3)
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Conversion to Judaism - Full Playlist

The Harsh Truth About Intermarriage Violating Shabbat And More

The Harsh Truth About Intermarriage Violating Shabbat And More

Learn the Harsh Truth About Intermarriage, Violating Shabbat And More. Rabbi Yaron Reuven connects this week's Torah portion (Parashat Pinchas) to Masechet Shabbat 54. The power of a righteous rebuke can save Jewish lives, while avoiding the truth brings judgment not only upon the wicked people violating the Torah, but also upon otherwise righteous Jews that won't tell people the truth of the Torah. Yes, the truth may be harsh, but it will save their lives and their neshamot! Without the truth people cannot change and do TeShuva. Please, share these videos and save precious neshamot in Am Yisrael. FULL SHIUR: Mussar Pirkei Avot 51 - BREAKING KEDUSHA NEWS: A Guide To TIKKUN HaBRIT by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. It's Time For Am Yisrael To Increase KEDUSHA, and This Revolutionary Interactive Guide Makes It Easier Than Ever. If We Want To Win The War, We Now Have The Clear Instructions Available For The First Time In History. Read, Learn, CLICK and LEARN Further and Further About How To Be Holy (KADOSH). To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #OrthodoxJudaism #Judaism #Parasha #parashathashavua #Prophecy #Torahportion #Heretics #Chabad #Hasidic #chassidut 00:00 Introduction 00:42 Intermariage = destruction 03:15 A Jew that doesn't keep Shabbat 06:02 Doing a favor for another Jew 07:54 Destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Shabbat 54)
How To Handle Missionaries The Jewish Way

How To Handle Missionaries The Jewish Way

Rabbi Yaron Reuven reveals how to handle missionaries. The number one defense against christianity and heresy of any kind is learning Torah from a Kosher Rabbi with commentary by the Jewish Sages. Leave debating up to the professionals like Rabbi Tovia Singer shlit"a. BREAKING KEDUSHA NEWS: A Guide To TIKKUN HaBRIT by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. It's Time For Am Yisrael To Increase KEDUSHA, and This Revolutionary Interactive Guide Makes It Easier Than Ever. If We Want To Win The War, We Now Have The Clear Instructions Available For The First Time In History. Read, Learn, CLICK and LEARN Further and Further About How To Be Holy (KADOSH). Full Shiur: Stump The Rabbi 159 - DONATE TODAY or even SIGN UP FOR MONTHLY DONATION to be part of each and every story that brings a smile: LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #orthodoxJudaism #OrthordoxJew #TeShuva #JewishHashkafa #Parashat #parashathashavua #TorahPortion #Mussar #KIRUV #Breslov #Breslev #Noahide #NoahideLaws #Jewishcommunity #Israel #holyland #Emunah #Bitachon #Modesty #orthodoxjewishlife #Pesach 00:00 Introduction 00:37 You're not allowed to bring a sacrifice today 01:30 Missionaries will try to use this 03:43 The answer is in your Siddur! 06:12 How do Jews bring a Pesach sacrifice now? 07:30 Toiling in Torah is like building the Beit HaMikdash (Menachot 110a)
Parashat Yitro vs Missionaries - Call No Man Rabbi?

Parashat Yitro vs Missionaries - Call No Man Rabbi?

Call No Man Rabbi? Rabbi Yaron Reuven is back to refute another claim from the missionaries that call themselves Messianic Jews. This time with mathematical proof from parashat Yitro, disproving the often cited verse in the False Testament book of mathew as proof that having a Rabbi is forbidden... unless they're a Levi. Are they right?? Let's read, and count, and Be'Ezrat HaShem learn the only truth of the holy Torah. Full shiur: Stump The Rabbi 190 ✨The TIKKUN helps Rectify The Blemish of The Past. Doing A Tikkun Here: http://TikkunHaBrit.Live Supports The Film & Teachings That Are Also The SOLUTION TO HELP OTHERS!! To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #orthodoxJudaism #OrthordoxJew #JewishHashkafa #Parashat #parashathashavua #TorahPortion #Mussar #KIRUV #Breslov #Breslev #Noahide #NoahideLaws #Jewishcommunity #Israel #HolyLand #Biblical #OldTestament #Scripture #Hebrew #Hebrews #messianic #messianicjew #messianicworship #Bible #exegesis 00:00 Introduction 00:11 Converts are like a skin disease for Am Yisrael 01:25 Heretics love this 02:36 A VERY righteous convert that is still fighting idolatry 05:43 Math lesson for Messianic Jews 07:21 78,601 Judges, but only 22,000 in the Tribe of Levi


Anyone familiar with either the Talmud or the world of Jewish Conversion has heard the Talmudic teaching that the Converts Are the Skin Disease of Am Yisrael. While the Torah repeats HaShem's special love and protection of the converts, one who is unfamiliar with how to learn can quickly arrive at ideological problems. Today in YITRO: CONVERTS THE SKIN DISEASE OF ISRAEL - Stump The Rabbi (190), we will learn about this from one of the Greatest Converts Who Ever Lived: Yitro. Enjoy, Share and Be Holy. BUILD WITH US (Who Is BeEzrat HaShem Inc) BeEzrat HaShem YESHIVA & BEIT MUSSAR BUILDING BUILD A JEWISH COMMUNITY THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD 0:00:00 Introduction 0:06:41 Torah Connects to Everything & is Endless; Working Backwards 0:07:53 Yitro: Ramp of Modesty, Holiness Obligation 0:09:20 G-d is Particular About Everything (Heretics) 0:11:54 Modesty Obligation for Both Men & Women 0:12:09 Ten Commandments & G-d's Enemies 0:16:49 In the Place Where Penitents Stand, the Completely Righteous Cannot Stand (Berachos 34b) 0:17:16 Vulgar Speech Can Reverse a 70-year Positive Heavenly Decree into a Negative One (Shabbat 33a) 0:18:08 All Jews Are Connected & Affect Each other 0:18:42 G-d's Enemies & Lovers 0:22:04 Enemies of G-d; Severity of Swearing Falsely (Shavuot 39a) 0:23:03 Wicked & Righteous Fathers & How They Could Affect Their Children 0:23:27 Converts Can Say Kaddish for Biological Parents that Passed Away (R. Yitzhak Yosef) 0:25:01 Adopted Children Obligation to Honor Adopted Parents, incl. Kaddish 0:26:08 Ashkenazi: 11 Months of Kaddish for Deceased Parents; Sephardi: 12 Months 0:27:11 Who is Gehinnom 12 Months for? 0:29:33 Good Deeds in the Deceased's Name Can Help Their Soul in the Next World 0:31:24 YITRO: CONVERTS THE SKIN DISEASE OF ISRAEL 0:50:04 Yitro Heard (Ex. 18 v. 1) 1:08:03 A Noahide that Knows the Truth (Yevamos) 1:10:51 Notable Converts to Judaism Who Had Bad Starts (Sanh. 96b) 1:12:24 Evil Enemy Nebuchadnezzar's Convert Children 1:15:03 Yitro, the Ultimate Convert 1:15:52 Bilam's Intended Curse for the Jews, Converted to Blessings by G-d (Sanh. 105b) 1:18:44 Conclusion Questions: 1:21:09 Can One Recite Kaddish for a Deceased Parent More than 12 Months? 1:22:11 Can One Use a Digital Thermometer on Shabbat if Sick? 1:22:34 Making a Commitment to Convert & Moving to a Jewish Community 1:22:52 Prioritize Helping Jews before Others 1:24:07 Moshiach: And with the Breath of His Lips He Will Slay the Wicked (Isaiah 11 v. 4) 1:24:52 Convert Trying to Honor Parents 1:26:31 Where are Who are the Lost Tribes? 1:27:35 Golem 1:31:46 You Shall Not Take the Name of Hashem, Your God, in Vain, for Hashem will Not Absolve Anyone Who Takes His Name in Vain (Ex. 20 v. 7, Dt. 5 v. 11) 1:32:08 Does the Rav Speak Hebrew? 1:33:45 Older Torah Observant Man Seeking Younger Wife 1:35:34 Seeking G-d's Help, While Exerting Effort 1:37:38 Conversion Syllabus 1:38:52 Are You Allowed to Read Tehillim at Night? 1:40:03 Kiruv Help Wanted in Israel for Book Distribution 1:41:13 Ben Sira, Son of Jeremiah the Prophet 1:44:29 Baal Teshuvah Aspirations to Talmudic Scholar 1:56:02 Be'Ezrat Hashem: Make Eternal Investments #Yitro #Conversiontojudaism #convert #judaism #jewish #Torah #rabbiyaronreuven #parashat #shabbat #shabbatshalom #parashathashavua #israel
Does Judaism Have A Monopoly on The Truth?

Does Judaism Have A Monopoly on The Truth?

BREAKING JEWISH NEWS: The World's FIRST TIKKUN HaBRIT & TeShuva Movies CD/DVD Combo in ENGLISH. Join The Campain for Your Personal Ticket To Olam HaBa!!! To Support our KIRUV and Torah Teachings work please DONATE at If you'd like to invite Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please email Rabbi Reuven is based out of Florida but travels to give lectures to different groups. Join one of our interactive "Interesting Torah" Whatsapp groups to get daily updates and short Torah clips that can uplift your day by texting 1.917.468.2324 or +91 93236 69880 Available on Apple iTunes Store, Amazon App Store and Android Play Store GOOGLE App APPLE App AMAZON App Click here To Listen to our very popular "Daily Chidush" short audio series on SOUNDCLOUD or the Podcast Channel at https://beezrathashem.jewishpodcasts.... Born in Netanya, Israel, Rabbi Yaron Reuven began his American Dream as a little boy, when his family immigrated to the United States. He went from a newspaper boy at the age of 10, to a well-known self-made Wall Street multimillionaire by the age of 23. During his time in Wall Street, he owned his own private brokerage firm, a hedge fund, and an international insurance agency. He was featured on CNBC, Bloomberg and Chinese NDTV due to his success in the financial industry. At age 26 he faced a 7-year battle for his life when a simple surgery went wrong. From that moment his life would never be the same. This moment marked the start of a series of miraculous events and an exciting pursuit of truth, ultimately resulting in Rabbi Reuven renouncing his lofty position and success in Wall Street, after 16 years, to become a full-time KIRUV rabbi. His Teshuva story is sure to catch the heart of every listener.​ Rabbi Reuven’s shiurim are in English and Hebrew. His classes are focused on spreading the truth and divinity of the Torah through MUSSAR, scientific proofs, and many other methods to reach each individual listener. Rabbi Reuven is the leading educator on the topic of wasting seed in the English language with over 30 hrs of content published online. Rabbi Yaron Reuven is a proud member of the Igud HaRabbonim (The Rabbinical Alliance of America), a national rabbinic organization founded in 1942. Today, our 900+ members are congregational leaders, religious teachers, chaplains, heads of Jewish organizations and communal leaders united in their commitment to traditional Orthodox Judaism. For more information please visit:
Once a Jew Always A Jew Explained

Once a Jew Always A Jew Explained

According to Rabbi Yaron Reuven, the saying "Once a Jew, Always a Jew" is rooted in the belief that Jewish identity is inherited or acquired through conversion. However, this identity can be suspended for certain serious sins, such as idol worship or violating Shabbat. In these cases, the individual remains a Jew for judgment purposes but is excluded from certain aspects of the community, such as quorum counting or witnessing ceremonies. The concept of eternal punishment further complicates this issue, as sins like failing to keep Shabbat may result in permanent consequences for Jews who commit them. BREAKING JEWISH NEWS: The World's FIRST TIKKUN HaBRIT & TeShuva Movies CD/DVD Combo in ENGLISH. Join The Campain for Your Personal Ticket To Olam HaBa!!! To Support our KIRUV and Torah Teachings work please DONATE at If you'd like to invite Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please email Rabbi Reuven is based out of Florida but travels to give lectures to different groups. Join one of our interactive "Interesting Torah" Whatsapp groups to get daily updates and short Torah clips that can uplift your day by texting 1.917.468.2324 or +91 93236 69880 Available on Apple iTunes Store, Amazon App Store and Android Play Store GOOGLE App APPLE App AMAZON App Click here To Listen to our very popular "Daily Chidush" short audio series on SOUNDCLOUD or the Podcast Channel at https://beezrathashem.jewishpodcasts.... Born in Netanya, Israel, Rabbi Yaron Reuven began his American Dream as a little boy, when his family immigrated to the United States. He went from a newspaper boy at the age of 10, to a well-known self-made Wall Street multimillionaire by the age of 23. During his time in Wall Street, he owned his own private brokerage firm, a hedge fund, and an international insurance agency. He was featured on CNBC, Bloomberg and Chinese NDTV due to his success in the financial industry. At age 26 he faced a 7-year battle for his life when a simple surgery went wrong. From that moment his life would never be the same. This moment marked the start of a series of miraculous events and an exciting pursuit of truth, ultimately resulting in Rabbi Reuven renouncing his lofty position and success in Wall Street, after 16 years, to become a full-time KIRUV rabbi. His Teshuva story is sure to catch the heart of every listener.​ Rabbi Reuven’s shiurim are in English and Hebrew. His classes are focused on spreading the truth and divinity of the Torah through MUSSAR, scientific proofs, and many other methods to reach each individual listener. Rabbi Reuven is the leading educator on the topic of wasting seed in the English language with over 30 hrs of content published online. Rabbi Yaron Reuven is a proud member of the Igud HaRabbonim (The Rabbinical Alliance of America), a national rabbinic organization founded in 1942. Today, our 900+ members are congregational leaders, religious teachers, chaplains, heads of Jewish organizations and communal leaders united in their commitment to traditional Orthodox Judaism. For more information please visit:


Full Shiur: STUMP THE RABBI (62) Transliteration, MONEY, Noah's Flood, BE YOU, Fake Convert, BEGINNER & UNDERDOG BREAKING JEWISH NEWS: The World's FIRST TIKKUN HaBRIT & TeShuva Movies CD/DVD Combo in ENGLISH. Join The Campain for Your Personal Ticket To Olam HaBa!!! To Support our KIRUV and Torah Teachings work please DONATE at If you'd like to invite Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please email Rabbi Reuven is based out of Florida but travels to give lectures to different groups. Join one of our interactive "Interesting Torah" Whatsapp groups to get daily updates and short Torah clips that can uplift your day by texting 1.917.468.2324 or +91 93236 69880 Available on Apple iTunes Store, Amazon App Store and Android Play Store GOOGLE App APPLE App AMAZON App Click here To Listen to our very popular "Daily Chidush" short audio series on SOUNDCLOUD or the Podcast Channel at Born in Netanya, Israel, Rabbi Yaron Reuven began his American Dream as a little boy, when his family immigrated to the United States. He went from a newspaper boy at the age of 10, to a well-known self-made Wall Street multimillionaire by the age of 23. During his time in Wall Street, he owned his own private brokerage firm, a hedge fund, and an international insurance agency. He was featured on CNBC, Bloomberg and Chinese NDTV due to his success in the financial industry. At age 26 he faced a 7-year battle for his life when a simple surgery went wrong. From that moment his life would never be the same. This moment marked the start of a series of miraculous events and an exciting pursuit of truth, ultimately resulting in Rabbi Reuven renouncing his lofty position and success in Wall Street, after 16 years, to become a full-time KIRUV rabbi. His Teshuva story is sure to catch the heart of every listener.​ Rabbi Reuven’s shiurim are in English and Hebrew. His classes are focused on spreading the truth and divinity of the Torah through MUSSAR, scientific proofs, and many other methods to reach each individual listener. Rabbi Reuven is the leading educator on the topic of wasting seed in the English language with over 30 hrs of content published online. Rabbi Yaron Reuven is a proud member of the Igud HaRabbonim (The Rabbinical Alliance of America), a national rabbinic organization founded in 1942. Today, our 900+ members are congregational leaders, religious teachers, chaplains, heads of Jewish organizations and communal leaders united in their commitment to traditional Orthodox Judaism. For more information please visit:
The Difference Between Judaism And Every Other Religion

The Difference Between Judaism And Every Other Religion

Full Shiur: Stump The Rabbi 69 - To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah DONATE TODAY @ Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Enjoyed our stories and teachings? Partner with us by DONATING @ TIKKUN HaBRIT The Movie: THE MOST IMPORTANT FILM IN HISTORY!!! PRAYERS ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR THE TIKKUN HABRIT EPIDEMIC SO WE MADE A MOVIE YOU CAN BE PARTNER IN!! To Support our KIRUV and Torah Teachings work please DONATE at If you'd like to invite Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please email Rabbi Reuven is based out of Florida but travels to give lectures to different groups. Join one of our interactive "Interesting Torah" Whatsapp groups to get daily updates and short Torah clips that can uplift your day by texting 1.917.468.2324 or +91 93236 69880 Available on Apple iTunes Store, Amazon App Store and Android Play Store GOOGLE App APPLE App AMAZON App Click here To Listen to our very popular "Daily Chidush" short audio series on SOUNDCLOUD or the Podcast Channel at Born in Netanya, Israel, Rabbi Yaron Reuven began his American Dream as a little boy, when his family immigrated to the United States. He went from a newspaper boy at the age of 10, to a well-known self-made Wall Street multimillionaire by the age of 23. During his time in Wall Street, he owned his own private brokerage firm, a hedge fund, and an international insurance agency. He was featured on CNBC, Bloomberg and Chinese NDTV due to his success in the financial industry. At age 26 he faced a 7-year battle for his life when a simple surgery went wrong. From that moment his life would never be the same. This moment marked the start of a series of miraculous events and an exciting pursuit of truth, ultimately resulting in Rabbi Reuven renouncing his lofty position and success in Wall Street, after 16 years, to become a full-time KIRUV rabbi. His Teshuva story is sure to catch the heart of every listener. Rabbi Reuven’s shiurim are in English and Hebrew. His classes are focused on spreading the truth and divinity of the Torah through MUSSAR, scientific proofs, and many other methods to reach each individual listener. Rabbi Reuven is the leading educator on the topic of wasting seed in the English language with over 30 hrs of content published online. Rabbi Yaron Reuven is a proud member of the Igud HaRabbonim (The Rabbinical Alliance of America), a national rabbinic organization founded in 1942. Today, our 900+ members are congregational leaders, religious teachers, chaplains, heads of Jewish organizations and communal leaders united in their commitment to traditional Orthodox Judaism. For more information please visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven


Rabbi Yaron Reuven gives the shocking 😱 opinion of the Torah on the CHANUKAH TREE 🌲: Is it CHUKOT HaGOYIM (Customs of the Gentiles) OR IDOLATRY?? For a few more sources (thought not all), read: Exodus 34:13 & 17, Deuteronomy 7:5, Deuteronomy 12:3, II Kings 17:10, II Kings 23:14, II Chronicles 24:18, Jeremiah chapter 10, Jeremiah 17:2 I Kings 14:15 And HaShem shall smite Israel as a reed sways in the water, and He will uproot Israel from this good land that He has given to your fathers and He will scatter them on the other side of the river because they have made their trees of idol worship (Asherim) which anger HaShem. Isaiah 27:9 Therefore, with this shall Jacob's iniquity be atoned for, and this is all the fruit of removing his sin; by making all the altar stones like crushed chalkstones; asherim and sun-images shall not rise. Full Shiur: The War Of Gog Umagog Inside The Jewish World - MUSSAR Pirkei Avot (49) - ITS NEARLY HERE!!! GEHINNOM The Movie THE MOST POWERFUL TORAH FILM IN HISTORY!!! IT'S LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE SEEN BEFORE HUNDREDS OF TORAH SOURCES QUOTED ON SCREEN: TANACH GEMARA CHASSIDUT MIDRASHIM RISHONIM & ACHRONIM HALACHA SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, FOOTAGE AND PICTURES REAL LIFE STORIES & MORE... IT HAS NOT BEEN EASY, AND CERTAINLY NOT CHEAP. For The First Time Ever, We're Allowing Lovers Of Torah EMET To Invest BEFORE THE RELEASE, And Get YOUR FAMILY NAME Added The INTRO and/or CREDITS. Since The Release Of The Film Is Next Month, This Once In A Lifetime Opportunity Is Only Available Until Midnight NOVEMBER 30TH, 2022. SR. PARTNER: GETS NAME IN INTRO OF FILM & CREDITS (3 OPENINGS ONLY) JR. PARTNER: GETS NAME IN CREDITS (20 OPENINGS ONLY) PROMO TEAM: GETS 100 COPIES OF USB's When Released ANONYMOUS SPONSORS WELCOME ON ONGOING BASIS FOR ONGOING MARKETING OF FILM TO EVERY CORNER IN THE JEWISH WORLD. Who Will Have The Eternal TeShuva Merits? IS IT YOU? #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #orthodoxJudaism #OrthordoxJew #JewishHashkafa #Parashat #parashathashavua #TorahPortion #Mussar #KIRUV #Breslov #Breslev #Noahide #NoahideLaws #Jewishcommunity #Israel #HolyLand #Chanukah #hanukkah #Menorah #festivaloflights #jewishholidays 00:00 Introduction 00:55 Excited for Chanukah 02:18 Sounds like a christmas tree 03:03 It's 100% idolatry: Jeremiah 10 & Exodus 34 04:07 Anything used in idolatry has lost it's right to exist
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