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Even if you're short on time, you can still learn Torah.

Rabbi Yaron Reuven Short Clips

Rabbi Yaron Reuven Short Clips

Rabbi Yaron Reuven Short Clips
Past Life Tikkun And TeShuva

Past Life Tikkun And TeShuva

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How to Put On Tefillin and Tallit in Less than a Minute Each

How to Put On Tefillin and Tallit in Less than a Minute Each

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Do you believe in the Arrival of the MaShiach?

Do you believe in the Arrival of the MaShiach?

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WHO IS AMALEK? The Unknown History of Nazi Germany

WHO IS AMALEK? The Unknown History of Nazi Germany

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Short Clips - Full List

How to Put On Tefillin and Tallit in Less than a Minute Each

How to Put On Tefillin and Tallit in Less than a Minute Each

How to Put On Tefillin? Rav Efraim Kachlon shows how quick and easy it is to put on tefillin and tallit. Some people complain that they don't have time to put on tefillin or wear a tallit, but as Rav Efraim shows, it's very easy and hardly takes any time at all. In one or two minutes you can fulfill a priceless mitzvah from the Torah. Wearing a tallit will also help you focus during prayer for better kavanah. So quick and easy, it's a no-brainer. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH OTHERS TO GET THE MERIT FOR EVERY MITZVAH OF PUTTING ON TEFILLIN AND TALLIT THAT JEW DOES FROM WATCHING THIS CLIP! DONATE TODAY To Become A Public Benefactor of the Jewish People with TO SEE OVER 30 Testimonials of Miracles and Blessings Our Dear Donating Partners have received click pdf below to open INTERACTIVE PDF DONATE TODAY @ / For over a decade, your partnership has powered miracles: ✅ 14,000+ Torah classes delivered ✅ 250,000 books distributed ✅ Countless lives transformed **NOW, witness the INCREDIBLE RESULTS:** Over 30 donors report LIFE-CHANGING MIRACLES: 💪 Cancer cured! 👶 Children born after years of waiting! 💰 Financial breakthroughs in impossible situations! ❤️ Soulmates found! 📚 Torah learning skyrocketed! **This Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur: Open Heaven's Gates!** 🚨 ACT NOW! Be our next miracle story! 🚨 Your chesed could tip the scales in the Heavenly Court! Remember Jeremiah 15:19: Supporting Torah return brings DIVINE FAVOR! **Your Generous Donation TODAY:** 1) Feeds 10,000 poor Jews 2) Powers 1,000 Avrechim learning ALL of Shas in ONE DAY 3) Gets YOUR NAME blessed in our new sefer! Don't miss this opportunity! Your generosity could unlock Heaven's blessings for you and your loved ones. **🕍 As HaShem reviews the Book of Life, let your donation speak volumes! 🕍** Donate NOW - Fuel Torah - Feed the Hungry - Spread Wisdom - Change Lives! **May your deepest prayers be answered this year!** ### Donate Now & Unlock Your Blessings! ### Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #jews #god #inspiring #motivation #roshhashanah #yomkippur #miracle #testimonials 00:00 Donning tefillin in under a minute 00:58 How to wrap a tallit gadol 01:40 2 mitzvot in 2 minutes a day!
WHO IS AMALEK? The Unknown History of Nazi Germany

WHO IS AMALEK? The Unknown History of Nazi Germany

A viewer asks Rabbi Yaron Reuven, "Who is Amalek?" Many people have heard that Nazi Germany was Amalek, but most don't know that Nazi Germany wasn't a new nation, but rather a continuation of the evil Roman empire that destroyed the the Temple in Jerusalem. From the dying Roman Empire, to 300 warring German barbarian nations, to the "Holy Roman Empire", to second German Reich, then Nazi Germany. The same eternal enemy of the Jewish people: AMALEK. But why does HaShem send Amalek to hurt the Jewish people? And how can we stop it? FULL SHIUR: Stump The Rabbi 174 - To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #TorahPortion #Parasha #Amalek #Nazi #Germany 00:00 Who is Amalek? 00:58 Nazi Germany was a continuation of the Roman Empire 05:30 300 German Barbarian Nations 09:23 Why does HaShem send Amalek?
What Is The Best Translation Of Jewish Scriptures?

What Is The Best Translation Of Jewish Scriptures?

What is the best translation of Jewish Scriptures? Which Tanakh Should I Get? Rabbi Yaron Reuven recommends going with the Artscroll Tanach, but at first everyone should buy the Artscroll Stone Edition Chumash, because it has a lot of commentary that explains the detailed nuances of Scriptural Hebrew and the Jewish Sages bring thousands of years of compiled wisdom and connections to other relevant verses to add context that will help a person increase their Torah observance and give them a real understanding and connection to HaShem. The Artscroll Stone Edition Chumash is the first book in the Conversion to Orthodox Judaism PDF: Full Shiur: Stump The Rabbi 213 - To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #Artscroll #OrthodoxJew #Talmud #TorahStudy #Tanakh #Tanakh 00:00 Which Tanakh does Rabbi Reuven recommend? 00:54 The Artscroll Stone Edition Chumash 01:56 Pocket Size Artscroll Tanakh 03:22 More commentary = more learning 04:55 The wisdom is endless
Kosher Wig? Why I Burned $15,000 In Jewish Sheitels

Kosher Wig? Why I Burned $15,000 In Jewish Sheitels

A tzaddikah student of Rabbi Yaron Reuven explains why she burned $15,000 worth of kosher wigs. First off, there is no such thing as a kosher wig, because virtually every wig contains human hair from Hindu sacrifices to Avodah Zara. No matter where it says it's from, they just import Indian hair and put a new label on it. Second, there's no bracha in wearing a wig, it's not modest, and not fitting for a Bat Yisrael to look like the Sotah. Wearing a Kisui Rosh (head covering) will bring blessing into your life, from health, Shalom Bayit, Parnasa and more. A Jew is forbidden to benefit from idolatry, so the only option is to burn them, record it and send the video to Rabbi Yaron Reuven to make a HUGE Kiddush HaShem! To help us in publicizing the truth of the holy Torah and matters of Kedusha, please donate at: http://TikkunHaBrit.Live Attention Bnot Yisrael, You're being fooled by crooked businessmen who care more about your money than your neshama, and it's time you see the truth. Baruch HaShem, After years of research, lectures and fending off those who tried to silence us, we're excited to publish the GUIDE TO THE DANGERS OF KOSHER WIGS. This FREE Guide speaks for itself, with over 60 Interactive pages that will keep you busy each time you click a picture or word, and educate you enough to become an expert Tzadika that can save her community from the biggest scam of the generation. It's YOURS FREE TO LEARN, SHARE, AND BE HOLY. To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #OrthodoxJudaism #orthodoxjewishlife #BrazilianHair #brazilianhairbundles #JewishWig #templesofindia #Wigs #hairstyle 00:00 Burning $15,000 worth of real hair wigs 00:13 Bracha from wearing Kisui Rosh 00:44 Baruch HaShem many women are doing it
The Only Way Israel Can Defeat Hamas

The Only Way Israel Can Defeat Hamas

What is the only way Israel can defeat Hamas? A viewer asks Rabbi Yaron Reuven when will the Hamas war end? The answer is simple, when we do TeShuva, complete TeShuva, especially those that are frum from birth, converts and Baalei TeShuva. Complete TeShuva means supporting outreach and KIRUV to help the millions of Jews that are not Torah observant. Then HaShem will have mercy on us and fight all our wars. FULL SHIUR: Stump The Rabbi 210 - BREAKING KEDUSHA NEWS: A Guide To TIKKUN HaBRIT by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. It's Time For Am Yisrael To Increase KEDUSHA, and This Revolutionary Interactive Guide Makes It Easier Than Ever. If We Want To Win The War, We Now Have The Clear Instructions Available For The First Time In History. Read, Learn, CLICK and LEARN Further and Further About How To Be Holy (KADOSH). To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #OrthodoxJudaism #Judaism #Parasha #parashathashavua #Torahportion #Israel #israelinews #Hamas #hamasvsisrael 00:00 Introduction 00:48 The biggest problem for the Jewish community 02:06 Everyone thinks they're safe 04:09 Most Jews don't care 06:57 The status of Am Yisrael
KOSHER MEAT - Which Kashrut Can Be Trusted?

KOSHER MEAT - Which Kashrut Can Be Trusted?

Which Kashrut can be trusted nowadays? Some Rabbis claim that virtually all meat is suspect and a Jew shouldn't eat any of them unless they personally see the animal slaughtered. Rabbi Yaron Reuven discusses kosher meat conspiracies and some VERY IMPORTANT halachot to determine what's kosher and what's treif at the grocery store and in our hashkafa. Rabbeinu Yonah says that a lack of knowledge of halacha ,and over righteousness will lead a person to heresy. This is why it's very important to learn every day. Subscribe to this website and learn Halachot from the students of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (includes halachot for both Sephardim and Ashkenazim) FULL SHIUR: Stump The Rabbi 213 - BREAKING KEDUSHA NEWS: A Guide To TIKKUN HaBRIT by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. It's Time For Am Yisrael To Increase KEDUSHA, and This Revolutionary Interactive Guide Makes It Easier Than Ever. If We Want To Win The War, We Now Have The Clear Instructions Available For The First Time In History. Read, Learn, CLICK and LEARN Further and Further About How To Be Holy (KADOSH). To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #TorahPortion #Parasha 00:00 Introduction 00:30 Suspect kosher meat 02:03 Bava Metzi'a 24 06:24 Rabbeinu Yonah on kosher heretics
Is There A Stigma Of Being A Dark Skinned Jew?

Is There A Stigma Of Being A Dark Skinned Jew?

A viewer asks Rabbi Yaron Reuven if there is a stigma of being a dark skinned Jew or if it's a tikkun for sins in a past life. Rabbi Reuven reveals that there are Jews of all ethnicities from around the world, both natural born Jews and righteous converts. Learn the Da'at Torah about what matters most in being Jewish. Plus a short excerpt from Dr. Yehudah Pryce, a righteous Jewish convert, that just happens to be black, who started the process of conversion after being in prison for 16 years. FULL SHIUR: Stump The Rabbi 213 - BREAKING KEDUSHA NEWS: A Guide To TIKKUN HaBRIT by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. It's Time For Am Yisrael To Increase KEDUSHA, and This Revolutionary Interactive Guide Makes It Easier Than Ever. If We Want To Win The War, We Now Have The Clear Instructions Available For The First Time In History. Read, Learn, CLICK and LEARN Further and Further About How To Be Holy (KADOSH). To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #TorahPortion #Parasha 00:00 Are black Jews accepted? 00:58 Is there a stigma of dark skin Jews? 03:15 Holy black Jews 05:56 The miracle of Baalei TeShuva (Returnees to Judaism) 07:49 Racism or Antisemitism?
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