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Incredible Siyum Event
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The 3000 Siyumim Event

'We had our biggest event ever!'

                Rabbi Yaron Reuven

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3000 Siyumim Event

BH, We had our biggest event ever! We had over 3000 Siyumim at the event, featuring several dozen Siyum Shas Bavli, A group of kids under 13 completed Shas Mishnayot.

Our Rosh Kollel Rav Sharvit completed the Shulchan Aruch, Rav Efraim Kachlon Completed, The Shas Bavli, Yerushalmi, The Tosefta, Misdrash Rabba, Tanach, Mishna, Shulchan Aruch, Tanna Devei Eliyahu
(Even completing the Talmud Bavli in 48 days!)

It was feared that the event might not happen given the current events, but Baruch Hashem after all the tests and Tikkunim the Event went ahead. Complete with English voiceover, we spared no expense for this momentous occasion.

Major Siyumim by so many people in one day... made such a big impact in heaven...
This is what is protecting Am Yisrael right now!

Harav David Abuchatsera

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