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Rav Gideon Ben Moshe 
Head Rabbinical Judge in Monetary Law in the Jerusalem Rabbinate 

"...[Rabbi Reuven's] teaching enters the hearts of the listeners, and does many more holy sublime activities to bring people closer to HaShem..."

18 Iyar 5778 (i.e. 5/3/2018)

I have been brought for a review, the book "Doresh Tov", 3 volumes, the handiwork of glory of one of the most special scholars in our Kollel, the genius Rabbi Efraim Kachlon shlit"a,  who has already showed his power in his Responsa book, Ach Tov  L’Yisrael in 2 volumes that were published, and seals his expertise.   And now his soul desired to write a big and important composition of  significant issues pertaining to Hagadah and Midrash of the Torah, which  attracts the reader's' heart.

The 1st volume revolves around the weekly Torah  portions.  The 2nd volume contains amazing lectures about the Jewish  holidays and topics of discussion that like a golden apple and  attracting silver.  The 3rd volume is about each tractate of the Talmud,  most of them have been lectured by he himself at his own Talmud  Completion Events, which were held for throughout his studying journey.   He is praiseworthy and praiseworthy is his share, may he keep growing  in Torah .

I know him as one whose fear of God precedes his  wisdom, and surely there is a great benefit in learning the words of  Hagaddah that attract the heart, which can be told at the Shabbat table  and on Jewish holidays, for both lecturers and the public, and thereby  have the delight in God.

May it be His will that God will want his success and  he will succeed in having the merit to sit with comfort and bring to  light more new insights that are as good and beneficial as these are, as  his pure soul desires. Amen.

With the Blessing of the Torah and lots of love,

Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe - 

President of Kollel Yoru Mishpatecha & 

Head Rabbinical Judge Monetary Law in Jerusalem Rabbinate

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Kislev 5778 (i.e. 11/19/2017)

I have been brought for a review, the response "Ach Tov L’Yisrael" part III, which has been written, edited and researched by one of the  most special scholars  in our Jerusalem-based kolel, the genius Rabbi  Efraim Kachlon shlit"a. His diligence at the gates of our Holy Torah  made him study nights like they were days every day, with great passion  to toil in the Torah. He already showed his expertise in his first and  second book, and the third seals his expertise with even more power.  As  in his earlier work, indeed he achieved in his third work.  He has done  a beautiful job researching and inquiring deeply on the gates of the  early and later sages, and ancient Responsa, leaving no ground uncovered  until he reaches the right Halacha.

I also have known him to be one that his fear of God  precedes his wisdom, who only goal is to search for the truth, while  humbling himself before the Sages. Praiseworthy is his mother and may he  grow even bigger in glory.

May it be His will that he merits to sit in the tent  of Torah, and bring to light more of his insights interpretations that  his soul had received on Mt. Sinai, out of abundance and peace of mind,  Amen.

With the Blessing of the Torah and lots of love,

Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe

President of Kollel Yoru Mishpatecha &  

Head Rabbinical Judge Monetary Law in Jerusalem Rabbinate, Author of  Responsa Yoru Mishpatecha

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1 Adar 5770 (i.e. 2/15/2010)

It's been brought to me to review the book "Doresh Tov L’Amo"-  interpretation on the Megillah of Esther, written by one of our special  scholars in our Kollel, Rabbi Efraim Kachlon shlit"a, who I’ve  previously issued public support for his book "Ach Tov L’Yisrael";  and now his soul desired to write an important commentary on the  Megillah of Esther containing midrash explanations that attract the  heart of the reader.

I know personally that his God fearing is coming  before his wisdom, and there shall be a big benefit in this composition  to understand the endless miracles and wonders of God.

May he succeed in his way and merit to write more and more Torah commentaries and new insights, as his pure soul desires, Amen.

With the Torah blessing and lots of love,

Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe

President of Kollel Yoru Mishpatecha & 

Head Rabbinical Judge Monetary Law in Jerusalem Rabbinate

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9 Adar Alef 5771 (i.e. 2/13/2011)

Its been brought to me to review the Responsa "Ach Tov L’Yisrael" PART II, which has been written, edited and researched by one of the  most special scholars in our Jerusalem-based Yoru Mishpatecha Kollel,  the genius Rabbi Efraim Kachlon shlit"a. He already  showed his expertise in his first book, and as in his earlier work,  indeed he achieved in his second work.  He has done a beautiful job  researching and inquiring deeply in different sources, knocking on the  doors of the early and later sages, and ancient Responsas, until he  reached the right Halacha.

I have known him to have his fear of God precede his  wisdom, and one who searches for the truth while humbling himself before  the sages. Happy is his mother and may he grow even bigger in glory.

May it be His will that he will continue to sit inside  the tent of Torah, and bring to light more of his insights and  interpretations, which his soul had received at Mount Sinai, out of  abundance and peace of mind. Amen.

With the Blessings of the Torah and lots of love,

Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe -

President of Kollel Yoru Mishpatecha & 

Head Rabbinical Judge Monetary Law in Jerusalem Rabbinate

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13 Sivan 5781

In these lines, I am coming to tell about Rabbi Yaron  Reuven Shlit”a from the U.S, who merited by Divine Assistance to leave  behind the luxuries of this world, and merited to get closer to the  activities of Holy Servitude, and thereby became as an overpowering  spring, and Baruch HaShem brings merits to public with his passionate  Torah lectures. Through his heartfelt speaking his teaching enter the  hearts of the listeners, and does many more holy sublime activities to  bring people closer to HaShem, spreading of Torah and many acts of  kindness and charity.

Now his should desires to bring light to the world by  publishing his lectures and the strengthening words that he has said to  the public, through his sefer named “Yasem Midbar L’Agam Mayim” (He Turns A Desert Into A Lake Of Water), so the masses can learn it  for the sake of gaining greater knowledge. Praiseworthy is he and  praiseworthy is his share! He has the merit to do ‘Zikkuy HaRabim’ being  rewarded for the merit of mitzvoth of everyone because he has helped  many people repent for their sins.

Nothing further needed besides a blessing because “the  desire of HaShem would succeed in his hand,” and may he merit bringing  light to the world through many more Chidushim, “like golden apples  carved on silver plates,” out of abundance, joy and peace of mind, and  through good health and Heavenly Light. Amen.

With the Blessings of the Torah,

Rav Gideon Ben Moshe

President of Kollel Mishpatecha

Head Rabbinical Judge in Monetary Law in the Jerusalem Rabbinate

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