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Rav Yitzchak Yosef
The Rishon Lezion Chief Rabbi of Israel

"...honor the name of his glory HaRav Rebbi Yaron Reuven Shlit”a. With him the words of Chizuk and Awakening are happily written..."

25 Kislev 5769 (i.e. 12/22/2008)

I reviewed the book "Ach Tov L’Yisrael" Responsa in Halacha (Jewish Law) by the diligent Torah scholar of good reputation, the honoured Rabbi Efraim Kachlon Shlit"a, and I saw that his book is based on the Torah sages and he didn’t base it on his own opinion only. May he merit to write many more precious and beneficial interpretations in good taste, and to glorify the Torah.

With the Torah blessing,

Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef- President of Yeshivat Hazon Ovadia, Author of Yalkut Yosef

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25 Kislev 5769 (i.e. 12/22/2008)

Several sections from the book “Yasem Midbar L’Agam  Mayim” were brought to me, which is interspersed with teachings of  Mussar and Hashkafa (Torah Ideology) as “from the mouth of Sofrim  (authors) and their Sefarim (books).” This handiwork of the Mezake  HaRabim, who with his words brings many together, honor the name of his  glory HaRav Rebbi Yaron Reuven Shlit”a. With him the words of Chizuk and  Awakening are happily written, s he had spoken in public, to rouse the  sleepers and awaken the slumber to do complete Teshuva (repentance), to  love HaShem and to serve Him wholeheartedly and with a yearning soul, to  study Torah diligently and strengthen in the observance of Mitzvot,  while simultaneously improving their character traits and deeds, because  this is the purpose of man.

And we have been told the praise of the author, who  left behind the temporary materialistic life in order to engage in the  life of eternity, and cast away the yoke of the many accounts which men  thought of, and HaShem granted him the privilege to sit inside the tent  of Torah, and to sit between the knees of Torah Scholars, to yield  himself to the Gdoley HaDor (The Great Rabbis of The Generations), and  after some “time, their time, their times” he turned into, with Divine  Assistance, a vessel that is full of HaShem’s blessings.

He then started to water the holy flock his  overflowing fine wine, especially those among our brethren Beit Yisrael  in the Diaspora, who unfortunately are far from Torah and mitzvoth.  “They do not know nor do they understand they walk in darkness…” and  “since he acquired [Torah] for himself, he acquires [Torah] for his  fellow as well.” His words are a cure for the eyes, as they come forth  from the Sanctuary, and he berated bringing back many people from  sinning, praiseworthy is his share!

God, blessed be His Name, has also granted him the  merit to be the founder of the BeEzrat HaShem Inc. organization for  Torah and overwhelming kindness in the Holy Land and in the diaspora,  for Zikkuy HaRabim and for strengthening the Torah  Scholars. With him,  with a united plan, are two golden treasures, extraordinary Torah  Scholars that are spreading their Torah teachings to the flock from our  Holy Land. These are the Gaon HaRab Rebbi Efraim Kachlon Shlit”a, the  author of important halachic books, and the Gaon Rebbi Yosef Chaim  Mizrachi Shlit”a, Dayan and Rabbi in the city of Beitar.

This is the path where light dwells, that a person  should acquire for himself a lot of Torah, pure fear of God, and be  dedicated to the study of Mussar and the correction of character traits.  He must humbly consult with the sages of the Torah, and make sure that  his hand does not move out of their hand, and only when his time  coincides with knowledge, does he set out to teach Torah to others. Then  his heart can be confident that a mishap is certainly not going to come  about through him.

Contrary to what happens in our generation, an  orphaned generation with people who have not yet read and reviewed their  own studies properly, and especially did not serve Torah scholars  sufficiently, yet they go out to lead congregations publicly, and step  on the heads of the holy nation. Worst of all is that they arrogantly  say ‘I will reign”. Moreover, the [publicly] disagree with the Torah  Scholars whose smallest finger is thicker than their waists. There are  some who even dared to disagree, with extreme arrogance, against the  Gdoley HaDor (The Great Rabbis of the Generations), who when they rise  even lions are frightened, both in matters of Halacha and in matters of  Hashkafa (Torah Ideology), may the good God forgive them.

Nothing further needed besides for a blessing of the  Rabbi - the author Shlit”a, that he merit to make the blessing on the  completed in the coming days, and his wellsprings of activities spread  even further for long days and years of life in goodness and in  pleasantness, a satiety of celebrations ans all the best, Amen!

With the Blessings of the Torah,

Yitzchak Yosef

The Rishon Lezion Chief Rabbi of Israel

Head Rabbinical Judge of the Supreme Rabbinical Court

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