Yeshiva in Jerusalem

Rabbi Yaron Reuven, may Hashem bless his soul, connected me with Rabbi Zitron who connected me with Rabbi Kersh, who after a few private Torah lessons connected me with Ohr Someyach- Yeshiva in Jerusalem. I am happy to announce that I will be moving to Israel in the next 2-4 weeks to study there full time, and dedicate at least the next 6 months- 1 year to the full service of Hashem and study of his oral and written Torah. Rabbi Yaron Reuven also mailed me and my mother a kiruv package that contains Zamir Cohen’s Science is coming of Age book, which seemed like it was min hashamayim (from the Heavens) because I was looking to buy this book and read it again (I read it months ago, but needed to return it to my friend from whom I borrowed it in the first place).
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