The last cut

Toda Rabbi. I was half half on the right road.. But we all know with one leg on the right road and one off the derech..... Means.. Off the derech... Until I saw your movie "Hashem took back.. " I had Torah.... I had Tanakh... I was starting... Put kept falling down every time.... And thinking I was a helpless victim..... But it was your video that taught me Teshuva. Never even knew it even existed. Why? Because the "salvation " way of my idol worship christian view was, even after completely cutting ties, still imprinted in my way of thinking. Your movie was my last push. The last cut. And I was finally free and understand what my purpose was. Baruch Hashem for bringing you into our lives to teach us Torah. My whole life, since I was very young... I didn't understand why I felt that I was misplaced, misunderstood, everyone was getting ahead in life... It felt like disaster followed me everywhere. And then... This Ray of Truth, just bursted of my screen. I think I went through every emotions while watching that movie. With the final one being at peace and alive again. I knew I had a goal and a job to do. Toda toda. For all the neshamot you reach. May He bless you and your loved ones! Shavua Tov
m Batyisrael Via YouTube - HaShem SAVED ME FROM SUICIDE (A BeEzrat HaShem inc Film)