Tears were rolling on my face

Beshem Hachem Naassé Venatsliah
Hello Rabbi Reuven, I'm sorry to take 5mn of ur time but I had to send you this little message. I'm sure you'll understand. Everything happens for a reason. My name is Rebecca Teboul, I'm founder and CEO of a French non profit Jewish organization called Tov ALLIANCE since 28 years, here in Paris). It happens that yesterday HM made me watch ur amazing story on YouTube. I still can't believe what I saw.. Mind blowing.. 👏👏👏 tears were rolling on my face and it's not a hasard if HM made me watch it. I'm still in awe. What a beautiful message he sent me yesterday.. Like I always say... HM cannot speak to us directly but He will use all means to do it. With all due respect we have a lot, a lot in common... .I too lost everything 35 yrs ago... I'm a Baal techouva since 30 years and since then, living miracles after miracles every day b''h. .shared my story with thousands, blessed by the biggest tsadikim of our generation.. Had lots of nissayon and hurdles.. too long to explain.. But baroukh Hashem, I feel so blessed and grateful to HM. HM gave me the huge merit to create my wonderful organization in 1992 Kirouv, Chiddoukhim.. more than 600 couples happily married, helping the needy, writing my articles, teaching..... I'm still in awe how Hachem rules his world and guides each and every one of us in the path he wants us to go.. .. How I found ur video!? Just Amazing!! Since yesterday I'm calling lots of friends in Canada, France and Israel to see the video. They absolutely have to see it!! Everything happens for a reason.. HM wanted me to see it for a reason.. I just wanted to say to you, Rabbi Reuven ur a tsadik.. hazak ou baroukh to you for sharing ur wonderful story with the world. What an inspiration! I love the way u express yourself with simple words that touches the heart and soul. Kol hakavod to you. May Hachem's light shine on you always. Arbé behatslaha in good health. With ur permission I would love to share ur story and video '' HM took his millions '' on my website.. All the best from Paris, chabbat chalom oumevorah
Rebecca Teboul
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